2023 WHPA Beekeeper of the Year Award

The Beekeeper of the Year Award is presented each year to a member who has made a significant contribution to the honey production industry in Wisconsin, has been an active leader at the local, state and/or national level, stands as a model of good beekeeping husbandry and business dealings and is a respected member of the community.

Generous to a fault….hard working…honoring her family…. These descriptions sum up our beekeeper of the year. This beekeeper wasn’t a seasoned veteran when she first began attending WHPA conventions. Convinced by family members to tag along and help with younger family members, she was a great help at conventions in her family circle and quickly saw just how much fun and how exciting beekeepers actually were. Soon, she began working with her family to start her own colonies of bees. Her operation quickly expanded, and that led to involvement in local and statewide beekeeping organizations, including the WHPA.

She appears to be calm, cool, and collected at all times; she is welcoming to everyone and easily makes friends, which made her a natural as she has managed countless beekeeping meetings and conventions. As part of the Promotions Committee and Honey Queen Committee, she worked tirelessly to promote WHPA to others throughout the State. Behind the scenes and without seeking recognition, she has juggled the organization of countless events, obtained sponsorships and swag, and secured outstanding speakers to better beekeepers’ experiences at meetings. She strives to make every event of high quality and create lasting memories for everyone involved.

She has a great heart and has taken her talents and skills to the American Beekeeping Federation as well. Sitting on the Board of ABF and several committees, she often notes that she is a member not only because she is a beekeeper, but also because the organization is part of her family and it is important to her and her family. She is not shy in expressing her opinion, bringing her many talents and skills to the table, and working with others to find solutions to complex problems.

She has opened her heart, wallet and experience to many young people in the industry. Providing frank advice, be it on beekeeping, how to treat others, or how much to bid at an auction, her candor is much appreciated. Her laugh provides many with joy and we are blessed to have her talents and skills as she now is officially a Wisconsin resident and beekeeper, along with her beekeeper husband.

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